Britney Thoreson
BG Design & BG Paint

Britney Thoreson is an experienced background designer & painter based in Los Angeles, CA. When she isn't designing or painting backgrounds, you can find her exploring a new coffee shop, watching movies with friends, or baking up desserts to share with coworkers.
Contact: (Professional Inquiries Only)
Full-Time Clients Include:
Disney TVA
Cartoon Network
Netflix Animation
Freelance Clients Include:
Studio Mir
Knights of the Light Table
Shadow Machine
OddBot Studios
Atomic Cartoons
Toon Boom Animation Inc.
Le Cube TV
Exhibitions & Appearances:
Mystery Science: What Was The First Cartoon?
In The Streets Of Japan: Background Art Zine
In The Streets Of Brazil: Background Art Zine
Gallery Nucleus Amphibia Art Show
Lightbox Expo 2023 Exhibitor​​​​​​​